Thursday, March 10, 2011

Boiled potatoes with cheddar

Along with my chunky vegetable soup (I'll have to get the recipe for that on here soon too) this is by far the most common dish I make for lunch. It's pretty much a quick/lazy version of gratin dauphinois, it takes 20% of the time to prepare and still has about 80% of the great taste :)

2 or 3 potatoes
Some grated cheddar

1) Boil the potatoes until they're cooked and then skin them.
2) Chop them into small bite-size chunks and toss them into a bowl.
3) Immediately after that while they're still very hot cut a few slices of butter and put them on top of the spuds. After a few seconds when they start to melt stir them through the spuds. Repeat if necessary until all of them have a little of the butter on.
4) Quickly again while it's still hot, sprinkle some of the cheddar on top and stir it all up. Put some more on top after stirring to make sure that there's enough to cover all the spuds.
5) Grind some pepper over the top, and leave for a few minutes for the butter and cheese to melt through the spuds and it's ready to eat.


  1. I thought I left a comment on here yesterday but I guess I never pressed the 'post comment' button haha.

    Anyway, I said that it doesn't really matter how a potato is cook, it's still always amazing :D Definitely one of the best vegetables!

  2. As that post we were just talking about showed, they really are amazing however they're cooked :)
