Friday, March 11, 2011

Fresh fruit salad with yoghurt

Canned fruit salad, like white bread, is one of those foods that I think just shouldn't exist. Why would people pay more for an alternative that is less healthy, less filling and tastes nowhere near as good? Fresh fruit salad, however, is one of my favourite healthy desserts, especially when prepared in this way with yoghurt. The list of fruits is of course changeable and can include anything you want. The type of yoghurt can also be whatever you want, but I prefer vanilla since it doesn't overpower the taste of the fruit.

1 banana
1 pear
1 apple
1 kiwi
Vanilla yoghurt
Sunflower seeds

1) Remove the skin from the banana and kiwi and cut them into small chunks.
2) Cut the apple and pear in half and takes out the cores before cutting those into small chunks too. You can peel them first if you prefer but I like how they taste with the skin still on them.
3) Put all the fruit pieces in a bowl and mix together.
4) Pour on the vanilla yoghurt, about half filling the bowl.
5) Sprinkle some sunflower seeds on top and it's ready.


  1. That looks SO good, especially the Kiwi. I've been craving fruit lately but I need to go to the grocery store :-/ I'm also addicted to sunflower seeds haha.

    I had no idea that there was an alternative spelling for yogurt! I'm amazed haha :)

  2. I'd forgotten about that spelling difference! I guess maybe the h could be left out as you guys pronounce that silently sometimes and we don't, like our "herb" vs your "erb", but I think we both pronounce yoghurt the same so I don't know why it's different exactly.
