6 potatoes
A large bowl of lentils
2 cans chick peas
1 can broad beans
1/2 a can of sweetcorn
1 onion
2 bell peppers
1 spoonful mixed herbs
A small piece of ginger
1/2 a can of condensed milk
5 spoonfuls medium curry powder
A little olive oil
1) You'll need 3 seperate saucepans or pots for this, or 2 if you can reuse one of them. Start with the lentils as they take the longest to cook. Boil some water in a saucepan then add the lentils. The level of the water should be about twice as high as the level of the lentils in the bottom.
2) Cover it and leave it to boil on medium temperature for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. The lentils should have about doubled in size by then, but still be a little hard. If they're still small and hard give them more time on medium, and when they've gotten bigger change the temperature to low, cover the pot and leave to simmer for about an hour. Try tasting them to see if they're soft enough before taking them off the heat.
3) While those are simmering on low heat, boil the potatoes in another pot, then peel them and slice them into large chunks.
4) Chop the onion and bell peppers into little slices. Peel the piece of ginger and crush it into little pieces.
5) Once the lentils are done, in an empty pot toss in the onion, peppers, ginger, mixed herbs and some olive oil. Put them on medium heat until you can smell the onions and peppers starting to cook.
6) After about 5 minutes when they're cooking well, add the cans of broad beans, sweetcorn and chick peas, then the lentils. Stir and leave for few minutes until those are all warmed up.
7) Add the 1/2 can of condensed milk (about 100g) and the curry powder gradually, stirring well to see how the consistency is with each bit of milk you're adding, use less than the 100g if it starts getting too thick and creamy before it's all in. Lastly, add the potatoes and stir them into curry, then cover and cook it on low temperature for about 10 more minutes to let the curry flavour cook through everything well, and then it's ready. It's good with rice or just as it is.

That looks so good! I haven't had curry in a really long time! Do broad beans have a different name? I've never heard of them here. I'll have to look them up :)
ReplyDeleteThey're also called fava beans :) They're so good in any type of curry or chili, I use them in a lot of stuff.